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The Hyper Mobility Chiro
Are Subluxations Real?
Are Subluxations Real?!? Subluxations – a term often thrown around, especially within the realm of chiropractic care, can be a source of confusion for many, particularly those living with hypermobility.   This...
The Hyper Mobility Chiro
Is hEDS a Progressive Disorder?
A common misconception about hEDS: it's a progressive disorder. It's not! Let's dive in.
The Hyper Mobility Chiro
Is the Beighton scale the end-all be-all for an hEDS diagnosis?
As a hypermobility coach, I often encounter patients who have been misdiagnosed or undiagnosed with hypermobility disorders due to the limitations of the Beighton score. While the Beighton score is a useful...
Hypermobility & Adjustments
If you have ever been to a chiropractor, you have probably had your neck adjusted and thought nothing of it. Maybe it even made you feel better! Chiropractic adjustments have been shown...
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